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Niflink Brand Positioning & Identity



SpaceMed is a South African company licensed to globally sell solutions using the proprietary NIF Compression Framework developed in Italy. This technology allows for unmatched lossless compression of data and files as well as the meaningful broadcast of data over bandwidths as low as 4kb/s. Their name stems from their medical industry origins but they had since rolled out projects in the e-learning and surveillance & security industries, which added a further layer of confusion regarding their identity and purpose. SpaceMed needed a new brand upon which to build the future of their company to catapult this exciting technology into the global technology space.

Our pivotal insight is that securing, storing and ensuring the flow of data in a meaningful way is crucial for humanity. This led us to a purpose: to make the flow of data meaningful to enhance the human experience. They exist to simplify connections so we embedded the technology in the name and Niflink was born. The new positioning, logo and identity has allowed Niflink to start building a brand in the global B2B technology space by staying true to their purpose and focusing on a solutions-focused sales approach across their four integrated divisions: Teach, Tech, Tac and Telemed

7/5/2023 4:28:11 PM