How to add an Article

How to add a news release to your Company News Office (this feature is only available to Premium subscribers)

NB: We strictly discourage editorial content (like opnion pieces published as editorial content elsewhere) being republished here on Ramify, a paid-for platform, as it may dilute a powerful editorial brand and/or create the impression that it may be advertorial. We recommend instead that you post one-to-three paragraphs and then a “continue reading on XYZ” link to the original source.

Step 1: Login

  • Login to your account.

Step 2: Add new article

  • From the left side menu select: Newsroom
  • Select: + Add New

Step 3: Add a headline

  • Add a headline to your story under Title. PLEASE DON’T USE ALL CAPS. Sentence case without title casing/initial caps/camel case is preferred.

Step 4: Add a short description

  • Add a short description/excerpt to your story under Short Description. Keep this to one or two sentences. This is used in link previews on social media, eg Facebook and Twitter, so it really does need to be concise. While this sometimes overlaps with your intro, it is not necessarily the same.

Step 5: Add an author

  • Add an author name to your story under Author. This should always be the company name, as it's displayed on the live page, except if it 's an opinion piece written internally. It is not the name of the PR who compiled the release. 

Step 6: Select your news category

  • Select Business (news relevant to your business, eg account wins, appointments, campaigns), Events (events, conferences etc) or Informative (opinion pieces, interviews, reports on studies) from our News Category menu.

Step 7: Add the body of your press release

  • Now add the body copy of your press release.

Step 8: Add featured image

  • Add your featured image which must be 600px by 314px in size (hit the +Browse sign to select the image from your hard drive). The featured image will display in the company newsroom section on the homepage, on the company newsroom page of and at the TOP of your news article. If you do not add a featured image, your logo will display as a default replacement.

NB: For featured images, files must be smaller than 500kb or our system will not accept them. File names may not contain special charaters like _, &, @ etc. Keep the file name simple and it will upload.

Step 9: Add further images

  • You may also now embed images in the body copy of your press release (max size of 500kb per image), using the image button in the content editor.
  • Image size max width: 600 pixels wide
  • Image size max height: 1000 pixels high
  • Image file size max: 500kb
  • No special characters in file name (including - & # @ etc.)

Step 10: Hit submit

  • Your press release gets sent to our editors for approval. Press releases are approved twice daily (first thing in the morning and again at 3pm). Once we’ve approved it, it will go live on the site. If your release is embargoed or needs to be released on a specific date or time, there is now a scheduling function. Otherwise, please let us know via email.

Congratulations! You have successfully loaded a news release onto your company news office.

A note on Facebook and Twitter usage

In order to increase the number of page likes so that you reach more people, we request that you share and retweet, not only like, any posts that are relevant to your company. It’s all about branching out which, after all, is what “ramify” means.